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How to Change Domain Name in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide


Changing a domain name in WordPress is like giving your digital space a fresh coat of paint. It’s not just about a new URL; it’s about rebranding, refreshing, and realigning your online presence with your current goals and identity.

Whether you’re rebranding your business, shifting niches, or just in need of a change, understanding how to change domain name in WordPress is crucial. This guide is designed to walk you through the process, ensuring that your transition to a new domain is smooth and hassle-free.

The Impact of a Domain Change on a Website

Before diving into the technicalities, it’s important to understand the impact of changing your domain name. A new domain can affect your SEO, your brand’s recognition, and your user’s experience.

However, with the right steps, these changes can be managed effectively. This guide will not only help you change your domain name in WordPress but also offer insights into managing the transition seamlessly.

Preparing for the Change: What You Need to Know

Preparation is key. Before you start to change your domain name in WordPress, ensure you have access to your WordPress admin area, your web hosting account, and your new domain name.

Backing up your website is also a critical step to avoid any loss of data. With these elements in place, you’re ready to embark on the journey of transforming your WordPress site’s identity.

Step-by-Step Process to Change Domain Name in WordPress

Step 1: Backup Your WordPress Site

Before any major change, backing up your site is vital. This ensures that your data is safe, and you can restore your site if anything goes wrong. Use a WordPress backup plugin or your hosting provider’s tools to create a complete backup.

For example, if you are on Hostinger WordPress hosting go to your website > dashboard > backup and take a manual backup.

Step 2: Adding Your New Domain

If you haven’t already, first, you need to register your new domain name with a domain registrar like GoDaddy. Once registered, point your new domain to your hosting account. This is typically done by updating the DNS settings.

Step 3: Updating WordPress Settings

Log into your WordPress admin area. Go to Settings > General. Update the ‘WordPress Address (URL)’ and ‘Site Address (URL)’ fields with your new domain name.

Step 4: Implementing a 301 Redirect

To maintain your SEO rankings and redirect visitors to your new domain, implement a 301 redirect from your old domain to the new one. This can be done via .htaccess file on Apache servers or via. plugins like RankMath.

After changing your domain name in WordPress, update all internal links (links to other pages within your site) to reflect your new domain. This can be done manually or with the help of plugins.

Step 6: Informing Google About the Change

Use Google Search Console to inform Google of your domain change. This helps maintain your SEO rankings and ensures your site is indexed under the new domain.

Step 7: Testing Everything

After you change your domain name in WordPress, test your site thoroughly. Check for broken links, test the redirect, and ensure everything functions as expected.

Step 8: Updating Users and Stakeholders

Notify your users, customers, and stakeholders about the domain change. Update your business cards, email signatures, and marketing materials. Transparent communication helps in retaining your audience.

After the Change: Monitoring and Adjusting

Monitoring the Impact

After you change the domain name in WordPress, monitor your website’s performance. Pay attention to your search engine rankings, website traffic, and user feedback. This data will help you understand the impact of the domain change and guide any further adjustments.

Adjusting SEO Strategies

Post-domain change, you might need to tweak your SEO strategies. Focus on building the authority of your new domain, create quality content, and engage in active link-building to ensure your site regains and surpasses its previous SEO standing.

Engaging with Your Audience

Engage with your audience through social media, email newsletters, and your website. Keep them informed about the changes and how it benefits them. This maintains trust and helps in building a stronger relationship with your audience.


How do I change the domain name of an existing website?

Access your WordPress admin panel, go to Settings > General, and update the ‘WordPress Address (URL)’ and ‘Site Address (URL)’ with the new domain. Ensure the new domain is pointed to your hosting server.

How do I change the domain in managed WordPress?

In managed WordPress hosting, log in to your hosting account, find the managed WordPress section, and use the provided tools to change the domain. Contact support if you need assistance.

How do I change the domain registrar in WordPress?

Changing a domain registrar involves transferring your domain to a new registrar. Initiate the transfer process from the new registrar’s platform, ensuring you have the transfer code from your current registrar.

How do I change the title of my WordPress site?

Go to your WordPress dashboard, and navigate to Settings > General. Here, you can edit the ‘Site Title’ field to change your website’s title. Save changes to update the title.

How do I change my domain name on WordPress Hostinger?

To change the domain name on WordPress Hostinger, you can follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Hostinger account and go to the control panel.
2. In the control panel, find the “Website” section and click on “Manage” next to your WordPress website.
3. In the WordPress management dashboard, go to the “Settings” tab on the left-hand side.
4. Under the “General” settings, you will see the “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” fields. Update these fields with your new domain name.
5. Scroll down and click on the “Save Changes” button to apply the changes.

Please note that changing the domain name in WordPress Hostinger will only update the URL of your website. If you want to change the actual domain name registered at Hostinger, you will need to follow a different process. Let me know if you need assistance with that as well.


Changing your domain name in WordPress is a bold step towards evolving your digital presence. By meticulously following the outlined steps, you’ve not only achieved a technical change but also set a strong foundation for future growth.

This is an opportunity to refresh your brand, enhance user experience, and strengthen your SEO. As you step into this new chapter, remember that continuous engagement with your audience and vigilant monitoring of your site’s performance is key to a seamless transition.

Your WordPress site, now renewed with a new domain, stands ready to reach greater heights, reflecting your commitment to growth, innovation, and excellence in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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